I have many loves... one being Disney, the most magical place on earth. When I was scrolling through blogs on this snowy Sunday afternoon, I found these photos by Annie Leibovitz and was fascinated. The spread features celebrities in an advertisement campaign in celebration of Disney's "Year of a Million Dreams." I loved how the irony of fantasy and reality combined, whoever casted Olivia Wilde as the Evil Queen and Rachel Weisz as Snow White knew exactly what they were doing. As much as I would have liked to see someone else as Cinderella, Scarlett Johansen looks stunning. Oh, and that tiarra she's wearing isn't from Bippiddi Boppidi Boutique, try Harry Winston. It's only 62 carats and covered in diamonds, no big deal.
Scarlett Johanssen as Cinderella. (Annie Leibovitz)
Rachel Weisz as Snow White. (Annie Leibovitz)
Julianne Moore as the Little Mermaid alongside Michel Phelps. (Annie Leibovitz)
Olivia Wilde as Evil Queen and Alec Baldwin as the Magic Mirror. (Annie Leibovitz)
Penelope Cruz as Belle with Jeff Bridges as her prince. (Annie Leibovitz)
Jessica Biel as Pocahontas. (Annie Leibovitz)
Gisele Bundchen as Wendy, Mikhail as Peter Pan, and Tina Fey as Tinker Bell. (Annie Leibovitz)
With Love,
Images via thedisneyblog.com