Friday, August 27, 2010

The Cat Man

Melissa and I finally got to sleep in this morning, praise Jesus. Today we got up and decided to explore our neighborhood Saint Maur, in the 11th arrondissement. The neighborhood is best described as "one of the most up-and-coming areas of eastern Paris." We found some great little markets and boutiques while we were out. We had a cafe au lait at a cafe called Tabac, which we later found out was occupied by sketchy Asians who did not speak French and kept looking at us. Melissa and I will not be going back to this cafe. ;) We must have spent an hour just sittting and talking. I would be content just sitting along side the sidewalk looking to see what the Parisians are wearing. While we were walking we found a beautiful cathedral church that I had to snap some photos of. As we got back to the apartment, we had a not so pleasant encounter with our neighbor, whom I like to call the "cat man." I would best describe the cat man as a distressed looking Parisian poet who probably does not bathe or like to socialize with young female foreigners. As we were coming in the door before we reached the spiral staircase to the apartment the alarm started buzzing. Melissa and I had a minor panic attack/laughing attack as we frantically tried to stop the buzzing. I'm pretty sure we didn't know what half of the buttons we were pushing did...ooppsssie. All of the sudden we heard French yelling from upstairs saying something about a key. As Melissa and I stared at each other blank expression and eyes bulging, Melissa finally looked up the staircase and said "no francais." The infuriated Cat Man came stomping down the stairs to show us how to turn the alarm off. All I could say was "pardon" (sorry) and Melissa said "merci" (thanks). I'm still not positive we know what to do the next time the alarm goes off. I guess we might be having another encounter with the Cat Man. Oh my... :) haha Tonight Melissa and I are going out for a night on the town in beautiful Paris... should be fun! Maybe I'll meet a scruffy Parisian Pierre. Ooh lalala.
Au revoir!

From Paris with Love,


  1. Lovely posts and pictures.
    The Tabac is where you buy phone cards, stamps, etc... the one in my once neighborhood had asian people working there too but spoke French and practically no English. The Cat-Man character is hilarious.
    Bonne Chance! It is already dinner time for you. Lucky! Eat as much as possible, ton a pastries and don't worry about over-indulging. You deserve it!

  2. The Cat-Man reminds me of Mr. Yunioshi from "Breakfast at Tiffany's."
